Vital, good info you need for a happily healthy longer life! is built upon a lifelong interest in health, vitality, life extension and well-being. My parents and primary school instilled in me a love of exercise, the outdoors, nature and good nutrition.

It’s been fascinating to observe the rise of interest in these topics in society generally, in part from a concern about a so-called “obesity epidemic” globally counter-balanced by our obsession with sport, olympics, peak performance, beauty and body-building.

Naturally I have tried several diets and supplements over the decades, and have thus arrived at my current regime through a lot of research and experimentation on myself. Through this website it is my aim to share this insight | information to pass it on so that it may benefit others.

There are many aspects to cell health & wellness, which I intend to explore and share, but let me just now identify  a few key aspects and supplements that assist with these aspects:

  1. Mitochondria and redox signalling molecules
  2. Telomeres and DNA healthy functioning.
  3. Transfer factor and immune system health.

There will be a lot more to say and share on these soon, through the blog, magazine and videocasts, including intervews with leading experts in these aspects and reviews of current literature and peer reviewed scientific publications. Meanwhile please enjoy the videos below, according to your interest. For more YouTube videos categorized into playlists go to .

Mitochondria and redox signalling molecules.

Here’s an introductory video. More info on Redox modelcules at and  ….

More related videos on YouTube playlist Redox signalling (ASEA)”  See Playlist description at .

Telomeres and DNA healthy functioning.

More related videos on YouTube playlist “Telomere health (Isagenix)“. See Playlist description at .

Transfer factor and immune system health.

Sample video is titled “4Life Chief Scientific Officer Sits Down with Dr. Gitte Jensen to Discuss Clinical Study”

More videos at

More related videos on YouTube playlist Transfer Factor (4Life Research)“. See Playlist description at .

More related videos on YouTube playlist Transfer Factor (4Life Research)“. See Playlist description at .

More related videos on YouTube playlist Transfer Factor (4Life Research)“. See Playlist description at .